Hey guys!
So this week was really exciting. On Friday my companion, Elder Oberg, got a call telling him that he would be leaving our area, and that I would be recieving a new companion. So, we went to Viña for our consejo de zona, and there I got my new companion.... ELDER STONE!!!!! Elder Stone is from Sacramento, California and leaves in December (which means I will probably kill him and be here for 4 changes (6months)). He is a way sweet missionary, and we are excited to keep working hard. On Monday we had a meeting with all of the missionaries that were changing areas. There, president Kähnlein reads us an inspirational story, and he anounces the new changes. The two missionaries stand up together and leave and go to work in their new area. It is sweet. We helped our new elders get to their zone and got all of the mail distributed. Also, I was given a piano for the apartment, sweet eh?
So, this week we have a special conference with Elder Viñas, the Area President of South America South. It will be held tomorrow in my chapel, so we are in charge of making sure that everything is ready to go. Tomorrow we also have a leadership training with Elder Viñas in Viña del Mar. So that should be way exciting. Also, in October we will be having Elder Oaks in the mission and at OUR WARD. hahaha its crazy, but true. I am in charge of a special musical number for when Elder Oaks comes to the mission. Wish me luck!
We have had a lot of success recently, and we had quite a few people attending church. I hope to be able to send some baptismal pictures in two weeks or so. I just love working hard, being obedient, and seeing success. Its a good way to live!
Elder Hales
P.S. my companion and I are running every morning to get into shape for our post-mission companions :)
Elder Hales and Elder Stone
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